Winterizing / snow proofing


8 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Highlands Ranch, CO
I would love to see pics of ways others have winterized or snow proofed their coops. This will be my second winter with chickens in Colorado, and I am already dreading dealing with snow. Last winter was awful.

Here's the situation:
I live in the suburbs of Denver, on open space. The snow can be very light powder that blows between every crack in the armor around the coop.

And the WIND! I spent so much time last year re-attaching the plastic on my coop doors and run, because the infernal wind here kept blowing it off. I am very un-handy; how do I keep the plastic from coming off?

I do not heat my coop, and the birds did fine last year. I'm not worrying about them being too cold, but keeping snow out of the coop is critical because otherwise it's wet in there.

Also, my coop is on the north side of the house, under a high deck, so it Is shady all winter. This means that any snow that gets in won't melt for months. The backyard won't thaw for months, either.

I also have a concern about the draped plastic making it darker, when it is already dark. Where can I find totally clear plastic, like vinyl?

My coop is store-bought (the four square) and has no insulation. The roof has open crevices that snow gets in. The chickens choose never to go in the actual coop other than to lay; they spend all day in the run, which has no roof, just wire all around, even on the coldest days. I would like a better coop, but I've already spent so much on this first one, that's not likely to happen.

Thanks in advance for any advice about this. I've had chickens for about a year and a half, and getting out there and messing with their coop in the freezing wind and snow - repeatedly - has been the hardest part so far. This year, I want to do it right from the start.
can you add a photo so we can see your layout? It's hard to think up ideas. I plan on adding a "lean to" board to the north/east side of the coop and run on heavy storm nights. Nothing fancy just a piece of plywood, but my coop isn't very big. Also plan on wide eaveson the roof to shelter the snow (hopefully) A nor'easter will blow into the coop anyway
I use the cheap, clear shower curtains from Walmart. I use thin strips of wood to screw over the plastic to hold them in place. This allows the chickens to see out and I can see them from the house. I live right in the snow belt in NY, so I put the plastic on the west & north sides of the run. It has worked out well for the past 2 years. Good luck.
I use the heavy plastic form Menards and wood lath strips. I hold them down with 1 1/4" drywall screws. The plastic stays on and my birds stay snow free...important here in Minnesota!
Same here. I use 6ml plastic, Staple it to the frame of the coop and run, then put 1x1x8 furring strips screw over that to keep them from tearing off in the wind. Very handy. Seal any cracks in the wood walls of your coop with some plain old silicone sealant. You can also buy foam stripping that you'd use around windows and doors to create another barrier against the snow under your coop roof.

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