Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Lucky for you down South bl4 that it will melt right away.
Sure looks pretty in your yard, and glad it's not here.
You are so lucky..... :gig

Here’s our view from yesterday.
All gone before noon. Now it is raining.... my poor bees. I hope I can check them before the weekend but there is a chance of rain every day this week except Friday!
Lol! I ordered three breeds; Marans (2 colors), Faverolles, and Ameraucanas. They threw an extra of a rare breed, and one other that will be a wait and see..... I ordered 18 and received 20. All from Northwoods Poultry.

I ordered the Brinsea EcoGlow 50 today. All those chicks just barely fit under the 20.......

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