Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Had to post this; just found this giant in the yard and had to check all the ducks to make sure no one was hurt in the production of this egg!

It's a whopping 136 grams (4.8 oz)
an average duck egg is about 75-80 grams.

It better be a double!

Shanti, good gravy!

Sorry to hear about your Khaki hen, too.

dk, glad you are back. Some people were ready to send out a search party.

root beer float sounds splendid...
Pretty much done with the coop, FINALLY, just some odds and ends left. Next to do is the leveling the ground for the current run and moving it in place and fillin it with sand. Here are some pictures.






Size is 4x6ft. Have three hens now, two more would not be too many, would it? Run will be 28 sq ft and the room under the coop will add another 24.
Wow Very impressive, I see you have poo trays too They work great, Love the shutters , Is that a pool? You must be in Southern WI
great job
Nice coop area! I like your landscaping too - very pretty!

Since we are sharing coop pictures (this can also be found over on the other thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=6699413#p6699413 )
Here's mine start to finish. The tornado wrecked coop that it was
And the doing all by my lonesome.

(Sorry for the photo quality.... most of these are taken with my blackberry...)

Rebuild Process:

Moved to the new location and the "chicken" area

Decided that the roof that was on it was too much work to rebuild to I just started new with the roof!

Added a window box for flowers:

The final sides put on:

Lenolium on the floor for easy clean up of shavings.

Nest boxes going in. (we also put a cover on top of the nest boxes. They are 12x12" cubes.

Now that I have bored you with my pictures
Thanks for looking. I am pretty proud of this project!
Coop cost me less than 200.00 !! WOOT!!
OK , Deb is back on.. now we can relax..

In my next life, can I be one of your dogs?

Pretty sure I am getting a tiller tomorrow..
got to have one within a week.. the weeds are not going to wait..
still want to fix the old one

Dornes.. quite an undertaking.. Nice of you to put that big tree right there for the owl to land in.. LOL I have a large pine tree, but it works well..
Nah - no owls! I will be putting up avian netting on the top of the run in. Plus - that is a weeping willow... not too sure the owls like those too much. And we don't have too many owl around here either. Not that I have seen or heard anyways.
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Dooner, I'm moving in. The pool sold me!

If people want to post a list of plants they are looking for, we can see who need what and who has what......
I remember somebody wanted rhubarb plants......

Oh yeah I have to make a cake too!

DK1, glad you finally made it to WI!!!!

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