Wish come true :)


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2015
Hello! I am finally, after 9 years of wishing and researching, getting a flock of my own :) I found a little farm house on 5 acres in a suburb that allows byc. Oh it also came with a barn, coops and runs and even a chicken tractor. When I tracked down the highest recommended breeder of Buff Orp to order my chicks I had the lucky timing of picking up an entire flock! I can't believe my dream has finally come true and now that I actually have real chickens to care for instead of dreaming of how I will manage my imaginary chooks I hope to be an active member here. I love love love my golden fluffy butts :)
Welcome and congratulations! Orps are one of my favorites! I love their puffiness too. Don't hesitate with any questions that may arise. Good luck to you and all the best!
I'm very happy for you! I just got three acres last year myself, and it has been a dream come true. The chickens make it more like a farm and add a ton of charm and entertainment.
Welcome to BYC!

How wonderful after all this time you found the right house with acreage and a flock too. Make yourself at home here...there's a ton of information available and lots of friendly, helpful members.

Thanks for joining us!
Thank you for the warm welcome!! I'm so happy to finally be here. I have learned so much from the awesome folks here already!

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