Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

I don't think you can.
Ours has a sign that says Federal regulations forbid handing mail over the counter. I wish the OP the best in this situation.

Say what?

Everytime I go on vacation, I have my mail held at the post office and go in and pick it up myself later. If I am waiting for something in particular, I will call and see if it's there and go in and pick it up. In every instance, I have had mail handed to me over the counter in post offices both here and in other states where I've lived. I've never seen a sign saying it was forbidden, nor have I ever been denied my mail that is handed to me over the counter. I have to show ID, but it does happen. If you go into the post office to sign for something, do they not hand it to you over the counter? Of course they do.
Well, I was able to get a hold of my father, and he's going to come out tomorrow and hopefully we can rig something up. Not sure if we'll be able to repair the whole stand, but we'll at least get a mailbox on it and maybe someone else can pitch in and fix the stand. I told him the story about how I hid behind the boxes and pieces were hitting me. I was afraid he might be worried but instead he started laughing like crazy and said "Only you. You really manage to run into trouble don't you?"
Now I just hope this pouring rain stops, it will be a lousy afternoon for us down there in the rain!
Well i am certainly sorry you had to go through that and i wish you luck on getting it put back. Please feel free to send us as much of your rain as you would like. I mowed today for the first time in two weeks and it looked like a desert sandstorm. Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon your box will be up and full of delightful bulk business mail and coupons but no bills lol
I am curious why the folks who were crying for lenience and not ruining a kids lives over some mischief have suddenly fallen silent? I am curious to hear their perspective now when the rest of the story has come out..?
Dh and I started dating after we both got asked to go buy and install a mailbox for my mom. Maybe something good will come of this for you!

My mom's box got run over by kids racing a (dune?) buggy around the neighborhood(illegal ofcourse!).Despite calling the police on them they must have gotten a simple warning,because a few weeks later they were racing the neighborhood streets again narrowly missing small children on bikes.They did replace the wood post for her old mailbox,and then we bought her a better box. Glad they moved. I am guessing it takes the injury or death or someone for people to take these sort of things seriously.

Lol,I am suprised the garbage man did not offer to install a new.Wishing you well!
I like this idea.
Yard full o' rocks :

First ...... it was wrong it is was illegal

Second ..... as others have said, perhaps, "you do the crime, you do the time".

However, perhaps there is a "middle of the road" here

What if
1. They were required to repair and replace the mailboxes (a given, no option)
2. They are required to do "community service" (some set number of hours each) AT THE HOMES OF THE PEOPLE WHOSE MAILBOXES WERE DESTROYED. The homeowners choice of jobs. I'm sure there are some jobs that those homeowners would LOVE to have done, free of charge! Grass mowings, weed eating, coop cleaning, etc, etc

Just a thought​
Laurajean, there is a curse that goes "May you live in interesting times." I'd say this has been dropped on you.
Money damages can be reclaimed in small claims court, not by the police overstepping their authority. Save receipts. You can show them the receipts prior to filing, (including reasonable labor, even if your father is the laborer, if you pay him) and tell them they can pay that now, or pay that, plus court costs and restitution ordered by the courts. They will very likely pay up now, rather than a LOT more later. And for a temp mailbox, you can get a five gallon plastic bucket, a sack of quick crete, and a chunk of four by four scrap wood and your box will be up, temporarily. Lock and chain to a nearby tree or whatever so no one steals it, if you are worried about that. Since the whole row is down, you get to choose where you put up your one box.
That is actually a very good idea. Ihave a customer who has "temporarily" used that setup for six years now. He just sat it by the side of the road. A car hit it and knocked it over once and he sat it back up. Its pretty much theft proof cause who wants to lift a five gallon bucket full of concrete?
I would make sure that they are actually being charged. Being that you live in a small town and everybody know everybody,these little monsters might be related to or know somebody in the cop shop. The police telling you that they are being charged with all kind of stuff may be a way to get you to drop your complaint. They are hoping you will think that someone else is taking care it. Like you said "Thier are other witnesses and they don`t need me to testify". Make sure you atleast file a police report. You will need it if you decide to go to small claims court.Also a copy of thier conviction if possible. It a shame. All you want is your mail box fixed and you have to go though this hassle

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