Woah. Dream.


12 Years
Mar 24, 2007
I forgot to turn the eggs at yea time, so I had to turn them at 12, a minute before I fell asleep. Thus, of course, the eggs took part in my dream.

I'm only on day 12/13 (12 offical, 13 my count), but when I picked them up to turn them in the dream, one was moving around, and I could feel it. IT WAS SOOOSOSONEAT. If it was real, of course. In my dream, I remember wanting to get on the forum so bad to tell you guys and then -poof- I wake up o.o;;
Zimmy that is so funny! When I was incubating my eggs my DH and I both had dreams about the eggsmoving or hatching. LOL! I guess its natural. We worry so much about them during the day....of course we dream about them at night.

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