Wobbly Chick

is there any other way to give her the vitamin b other than putting it in her feed? Am I able to crush it to make it into a powder and mix with water to give her it through a dropper?
How long have you been giving it? Almost a week? 1-2 drops daily another few days won't hurt her, then I would taper that off to see what happens.

Since I have stopped all of the supplements, she still is a tad bit wobbly. But eating, drinking, pooping normal. She gets around and nobody picks on her. Not sure if I should keep up with the vitamins or if they aren’t good to use long term. I mean is it possible she’s just a wobbly chick? Lol she does seem a little smaller than my other black sex link, but not much. She is further along with her feathering..
Since I have stopped all of the supplements, she still is a tad bit wobbly. But eating, drinking, pooping normal. She gets around and nobody picks on her. Not sure if I should keep up with the vitamins or if they aren’t good to use long term. I mean is it possible she’s just a wobbly chick? Lol she does seem a little smaller than my other black sex link, but not much. She is further along with her feathering..
It does sound like she is improving!
I would give her the vitamins once a week and see how that goes. Excess B-vitamins are excreted in the urine so they are a little safer, but no...I would not want to give vitamins daily long term either.

She may straighten out as she matures or the wobbliness could be there from now on - neurological/developmental or even genetic disorder - hard to know.

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