Wobbly chicken - walking problems

Oh thank you for clarifying. After reading the post, I did some research and was hoping that was maybe the case. Of course, being new to chickens, my first thought was "oh my goodness, there is something else I didn't even know to watch for!"

9red2black - thanks for the info, I really do appreciate it. Sorry I misunderstood. Even if it's not what she has, it's definitely something good for me to learn about. Though, I think I would hope for rickets - at least, I think, it's treatable. Hope your baby is ok...
It could be a neurological problem, or hopefully not, Merek's disease.

For a possible neurological problem, get some baby vitamins like Poly-Vi-Sol and give her the following:
1 drop twice a day for 3 days
1/2 drop twice a day for 3 days
1/4 drop twice a day for 3 days, then
1/4 drop once a day for 3-4 days.
I was afraid someone would ask me that. I got the information from someone else and these were the only instructions. I am pretty sure it is not a dropper full, because of the size difference in a human baby vs. a chicken.

I would go to the first line on the dropper and start decreasing from there. If I learn anything diffrently, I will let everyone know.
To give less than a drop, you mix a solution that is more dilute. The easiest way is to pick up an empty bottle with a dropper at a pharmacy or health food store.

For 1/4 of a drop, for each one drop of the original concentrate, you add three drops of water. One drop of this solution will equal 1/4 of the original concentrate.

Don't forget to give the bottle a shake before using. I always label bottles like this. If you aren't using sterile water, I wouldn't keep the solution long term for something like this. I usually keep a couple of those little dropper bottles around, as they are handy for so many things.

I hope this helps and your pullet feels better, soon.
Hi took my sick chick to a vet freind of mine and she said it was so ill to put it down. I ask her what she had and she was not sure with out doing a lot of blood work and it would cost more then the ckick was worth. I ask her if it would harm the rest of my chickens and she did not think so.
north west Ind
whenever you note something like this you can try and separate the bird and give it vitamins and that bit of "extra" attention taking note of any other symptoms such as poos and such..you would be surprised at how quickly a bird can go downhill just by stress (think of heat and such) or being bullied away from food and drink by others or worms >often it is something tempory which can be "fixed"... sorry you lost your birdie, but many "farm" vets (or vets thinking of chickens in this way) will advise to cull rather than treat as they are thinking of the "flock" health as opposed to the attitude of pet vets where the individual counts ... it all depends on your personal situation which group you fall into.
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One of my 6 chicks has/had a similar issue where she was so weak she was sitting back on her knees and wobbling around like a drunk. I separated her and she cried all day so I put her back with her sisters. Everything is normal with her except the walking. She's doing better today so maybe it was that the other girls made her the low one on the totem pole keeping her away from food. Not sure. Will have to keep monitoring her. She is almost 4 weeks old.

Clovis, CA
I am having the same issue with a chick that looks EXACTLY like yours. Did you figure out what was wrong with her, or what did you do to help her?
My chick fixed herself. She got over it in about 4 days whatever it was. I still don't know. She's healthy and happy now.

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