Wobbly chicken


5 Years
Aug 7, 2014
I have a very sweet speckled Sussex gen that has recently started being very wobbly and sleeps a lot carries her wings lower than normal. She eats drinks and preens like normal. But it seems she has trouble getting her siight lined up to first drink or eat And she does carry her head at times to one side almost like it hurts her. Her poo was runny at first but is normal after being on antibiotics for a day or so. She was pecked about the head a few weeks ago and lost some feathers on her head which are now starting to gone back. Her waddles are paler than the rest of the flock. I am wondering if this is neorological and if anything can help. She is really a sweethearts
First off - have you got her isolated? I'm not sure what ails her, but if it's contagious you don't want other birds to get it. Look under the wry neck threads to see if it fits what's happening to your hen.
Wish I could be more helpful, I do know that vitamin deficiency can cause neurological problems, add vitamin powder to the water and give her some brewers yeast too.
Keep us posted....
Yes I have her isolated. She seems a little better than yesterday but something is still off. She did have a little bit of stuff in her nostrils but it's dried and no runny discharge. Checking her for mites and ear problems but so far nothing stands out. Thanks for you input really appreciate it. Going to try some vitamins and continue the antibiotics for a few more days.
A blow to the head can cause neurological symptoms but, she may have something going on beyond that. I would post on the ER thread is fullest detail, even things that may not seem to be important. Photos showing her head carriage also could help at arriving at a diagnosis
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice and links already so I'll just say hello!

All the best
Welcome to BYC! It's great to have you.

Definitely post a full write up of your issues in the ER forum; but, from your descriptions my first thought is head injury and possibly blindness. Try waving a hand very quickly toward each of her eyes, as if you were going to strike her, but stopping just short of actually touching her. Does she react? Flinch away? A bird with good sight will recoil immediately, whereas a bird who is partially or completely blind will have slow or no reaction.

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