Wobbly, Weak, Shaky


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2023
Hello everyone, I have a 1 year old bantam hen (Morticia) who was doing fine yesterday until it was time to sleep. When I went to go let everyone in their coop I noticed that Morticia wasn't acting like herself, her eyes were half closed, she would wobble whenever she walked and overall looked weak. So I separated her by herself in a hospital cage and when I went to go check on her in the morning she was still wobbly and I noticed that her eyes moved rapidly and her head seemed to shake, she's alert but wobbles when trying to run/ walk. Before last night her crop was quite full so it might be impacted crop ??
Her crop didn't empty out fully. Her diet consists of cracked corn, sunflower seeds, grit, grub, leftover vegetation such as tomatos and banana and a few other seeds.
Crop massage will help.
Are you able to get real chicken feed where you are? That's not a very nutritious diet, she is very likely also suffering nutrition/vitamin deficiency.
Crop massage will help.
Are you able to get real chicken feed where you are? That's not a very nutritious diet, she is very likely also suffering nutrition/vitamin deficiency.
Thank you for replying! Yeah, I've been searching for a better feed but no luck. Are there any brands you'd recommend? I've given her a few messages as well.
Where are you on the planet? I can look.
Oh it's alright, I found a new more nutritious feed that I ordered online which should come in 2 weeks. Also Morticia is doing a lot better compared to the morning. I've massaged her crop and haven't given her breakfast since her crop hasn't emptied. Regardless, thank you a lot!! Hope you have a nice day

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