Wolf Roleplay

(Ok) Blythe watched her go and turned to eat her rabbit.

After walking for awhile, she finally came to the border. She grinned and crossed into it. She stopped and looked around and then saw her brother Pine. He asked,"What are you doing here? I thought you left? " She said, since she could trust him," I did. Where's Fern? I want to show her my catch that she didn't catch." Right on cue, Fern appeared and said,"Now what do you want, runt?" Nova glowed,"Look at what I caught. You probably couldn't catch anything." Fern shrugged, "If it was a deer, maybe I would be impreesed. Now get lost before I give you another wound!" Pine advised,"You probably should go," She growled,"Fine. I don't know why I even came here. I do t care for any of you anymore," and took her rabbit and left.
Nova walked into the densite. She needed to get closer to the alphas and learn there plans. As she was walking, she bumped straight into Silvermist. She said,"Oh sorry." Silvermist smiled kindly," Its alright. So how do you like the clan so far?" Nova replied happily,"I love it!" But it was just an act but then a splendid idea came to her. Nova thought, What if I get close enough that the alphas take me in as one of there pups and then one day I'll become alpha of this clan. Then I will lead this clan to my father's, overthrow him and rule both clans and take over all clans! She was already had the chararistics of her father and mother, but the question was if she would still fall through with thisplan of hers as she lived in this clan.
Over the past few days, Nova found herself slowly getting closer to the alphas. This was good news for her because that would make doing things easier. She sat and studied each wolf. She looked up at the sky. The sun was midway and she would report to her father tonight.

Silvermist sat down beside Kilen. She was still a little stiff and sore from the battle, but soon she started to think of her late friend, Iceheart. Life still felt different even though they were from different clans, but with this impending threat, she would have to lead the clans through it.

Alpha paced around camp. As if the arrival of his pups had awoken him. He was starting to see weakness in his clan and that made him growl. He needed to improve strength and get rid of the weak. He called his beta over and said,"Take the clan to the training hollow. You will be in charge of supervising and providing tasks for them to perform. Anyone who shows weakness and no improvement must be killed." Blaze dipped his head and said, "Yes Alpha. " He howled loudly for the clan and barked for them to follow. Alpha called his pups over to start their training.

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