~Wolves of Silver Mist~ A Role Play Always accepting!

Quote: ( I am just taking this up here for a reason.)
Star looked at them. " I will lead the patrol to attack the cubs. Lila, you lead the one for the female wolf, Crag, you take the one for the male. I will take Stone and Dusk. Lila, you take Moon and Ash. Crag, that leaves you with Night and Thunderbird."
(So who has Cowhlbs wolves?)

Keme lay, curled up on the cave floor. The black wolf was soon asleep, the wind calling him from outside with their lonely howls

(I have the alpha male)

Star looked at them. " I will lead the patrol to attack the cubs. Lila, you lead the one for the female wolf, Crag, you take the one for the male. I will take Stone and Dusk. Lila, you take Moon and Ash. Crag, that leaves you with Night and Thunderbird."

Lila nodded and flicked her tail for the others to follow.

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