woms,eggs,and beaks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
i was wondering if i have chickens with worms can i still eat thier eggs...also i have a blue silkie rooster whos top beak bends to the side...will it keep growing so he wont be able to eat...or will he be ok?
It's OK to eat eggs; actually, chickens often have a worm load of one level or another. You may never know it unless there are so many worms it makes them sick. Once in a while a worm does show up in an egg, though; this is abnormal.

Malformed beaks come in many degrees of seriousness; some interfere with eating a lot more than others. Often the chicken needs a wide bowl so he can scoop the food up. Sometimes they do better if the beak is trimmed regularly. You might do a search for crossbeak here.

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