Won’t go in coop at night


10 Years
Oct 16, 2009
Berkeley, CA
i have 7 hens—2 are older and 5 were hatched last April.

Two or three of the new ones won’t go in the coop at night. We have to try and catch them. One even got stacked by a possum and had to be rescued at 2 am. She stlll stays out.

We have a well-ventilated lighted coop with roosting bars. I have tried throwing treats in st dusk.

Any ideas?
Well thats weird. Is your coop to small? Maybe the other chickens wont let them in or something? I have never had this problem, however, a friend of mine had a polish chicken who, rain, snow or shine, would never go in the coop. She had to rescue the stupid bird every night. But, pretty much all polish chickens are stupid like that:) would guess that there isn't enough room or something.
What size is the coop in feet and what do your roost bars look like? How long are they in feet and how are they arranged? How High? A photo or two might be really helpful.

What do you mean by "lighted coop"? Do you have a light on all the time, inside and/or out? Light can have an effect on behaviors.

Have the pullets that are staying outside started laying yet? Maturity in pullets is often tied to egg laying and has a huge effect on behaviors.

Where are they sleeping in the run? One a perch or on the run floor?

We really need a little more information to be able to give a better response.

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