Won 6 chickens in a raffle today! What are they?!? :)

I think you've got good input as to breeds (and I agree none of them are production reds or Buff Orpingtons or BLRW).

As to your integration question, while they may have come from good quality breeders, or not, since you don't know their origin, and even more so, they just spent a weekend in an area with a lot of other birds (a bird auction), I would strongly recommend that you isolate them from your flock for at least 2 weeks, 1 month being more ideal. And that means away from wind carriage...ie the wind blowing from them into your flock coop. I would also handle them separately from your flock. Do not tend to these birds and then go to your flock.

All manner of illness can be brought in by older birds that is no fun to care for when it hits your flock. And no, you won't necessarily see the signs right off. And even birds from careful breeders can harbor disease, often picked up at the very shows where you purchased them.

I know this from personal experience having bought birds of a breed I coveted from a reputable breeder. Neither bird looked sick, but one of them brought Infectious Bronchitis into my flock which was NO fun caring for and caused me to lose 1 bird and have to cull another and over 8 weeks of egg loss.

Lessons learned the hard way.
Lady of McCamley
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