Wondering if my eggs are dead


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
I posted this in my new member forum where I introduced myself but I realized this question would probably be better here.

First, this morning this occured
Unfortunately, today I have some bad news. This morning while I was turning my eggs I smelled something like hard boiled eggs. I sniffed each egg till I found the culprit. Today is day 9 so knowing I should see a smallish black spot it it was viable I candeled it. Instead I saw something like this (sorry can't get low light images with phone which was all that was available)

I knew in my sad little heart that the two signs pointed to a dead egg so I did a postmortem. This is the result (which made my whole kitchen stink btw)

I think this is the only stinky egg and will do official candling tomorrow for the rest...so I assume this is an isolated incident.

Do you guys think the egg was probably scrambled in transit or is this an indication that I am doing something wrong?

Then later today....
I think I may have all dead eggs.
can someone give a second/third/fourth opinion?
In my post above I showed the results of a stinky egg that was as black when candeled as a day 17 or 18 egg. I have more that look like this. These are all taken on day 9!!!

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8


So my thoughts are that 4 and 5 COULD be viable but the rest are dead.
Next question....
Is this anything I could have done to cause this? my incubator was at 38ºC steady except for when I opened to turn eggs 3x per day. I also kept one channel filled and the humidity showed to be ~60 at most times. My eggs did take 6 days to get to me. Before I request money back/backfill eggs I want to make sure that it isn't my fault...
Thanks in advance guys!

Any help you all could provide would be appreciated. (And yes I was in a blacked out room and yes those ones that look black (like 7 and 9) ARE black (in a light color egg)
Well with shipped eggs your lucky if you can get 50% to hatch. More then likely your eggs were damaged during shipping. Also you mentioned it took 6 days to get to you was that because of the postal service or because of the seller? If it was the postal service then the seller shouldn't take the blame
Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes they were shipped 2 day air on Friday June 27 and USPS said they were due to arrive on Monday the 30th. Their website said that until they were delivered on Wednesday the 2nd....so the seller did nothing wrong...USPS is not on my happy list though.

I'm so sorry you're having such a disappointing experience. By day 9 eggs #4 and #5 should've shown some strong veining and a visible embryo. But don't toss them yet! They might still surprise you. I've had the strangest experience a few months ago when I hatched 5 eggs under a broody. They all candled clear until day 14 before they started showing some kind of "shadow" in the eggs. I left them under the hen while trying to locate some chicks for her to adopt and you can imagine my shock when they all hatched on day 19! You just never know with eggs :)
Thanks Sumi, What about the others the ones that look fully black? Are they dead?

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