Woo Hoo!!! It's so tiny!


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
We finally got our first egg! My chickens are only about 4.5 months old. I thought I'd be waiting until they were around 6 months, so I was "eggtra" excited this morning when I went to check on my babies. LOL I'm guessing this is what people call a fart egg? I haven't broken it open. I'm considering putting holes in it and just blowing the insides out to preserve my first egg. Yeah I'm that corny I guess. LOL Just wanted to share with others that were probably just as excited over their first egg! I guess this most likely came from my Cochin, Cinnamon since she was the closest too it when the noise started. Although I suppose it could have even come from one of my barred rocks...
is your cochins bantams? i have 2 cochin bantams, and they sure are acting like they are ready to lay. my calculations on age is around 4-5months now. i also have red production hens at the same age too. were your hens real red swollen in the face? one of my cochins is acting territorial too, which she has never been like that before.

congrats on ur first egg! i am sooooooooooooooooo ready to have my first one!!! thanks on any info that i can compare to mine
Yes bantam, she is real little compared to my barred rocks. Her face has been real red and yesterday I notice my Silkie Roo the same age mounting her.
lol But all of my hens faces have been real red minus Tweety whom is 2-3 weeks younger then the rest.
This is my Cinnamon
is she a frizzle? how cute!!! ive been watching and waiting for eggs. ive never had chickens before so all of this is new to me. i am so excited about mine getting to laying age. i guess there is no science on eggs...when you get eggs u get eggs..
i am so ready for eggs but i will just have to wait...

cute baby! i want some frizzles too!!!
i will defiantly have to look into getting some frizzies! they are soooooooooooooooo cute, my daughter is the one that got me into the chicken thang. i am soooooooooooooo glad she did! i really enjoy all of the chicks and roos we have. i also want to have some silkies too, man so many i want i have to tell myself NO! if i didnt i would have 100 birds out there
LOL Yeah I've debating on getting more because my only silkie is a roo. I wouldn't mind some showgirls or bearded silkies like my roo but hens of course. lol Oh I've gotten 4 eggs so far! It's so exciting to find a little present everyday!
im so jealous! i want eggs to start coming..now! my girls probably wnt lay till aug/sept tho. i have ee's and polish along with my red production hens and males. i am so anxious waiting for my eggs but i know i will be so thrilled when i do finally get eggs. my daughter and i go watch the "kids" for hrs everyday. they seem so excited to see us everyday. her cochins bantams run up to her and talk up a storm everytime. they just crack me up.

do you just have banties??
Yes bantam, she is real little compared to my barred rocks. Her face has been real red and yesterday I notice my Silkie Roo the same age mounting her.
lol But all of my hens faces have been real red minus Tweety whom is 2-3 weeks younger then the rest.
This is my Cinnamon
OMG!!! I soo love your sweet little chicken!!! That is the cutest chicken ever!

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