Wood Duck Houses with Ramps?

Steven Seitz

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
I have a few pinioned wood ducks on my pond and they are very happy. I have some wood duck houses for them and was wondering if the houses had a ramp on them how well would the wood ducks use them. The houses will be on a pole in the middle of the pond with a ramp allowing the ducks to enter the house. Just kind of wondering how well wood ducks like to use ramps with their wood duck houses?
I have a few pinioned wood ducks on my pond and they are very happy. I have some wood duck houses for them and was wondering if the houses had a ramp on them how well would the wood ducks use them. The houses will be on a pole in the middle of the pond with a ramp allowing the ducks to enter the house. Just kind of wondering how well wood ducks like to use ramps with their wood duck houses?
Hi and Welcome to BYC Wood ducks are beautiful birds but most on this thread have more of the domestic variety so if you'd go to this thread I think you'll get your question answered quicker.


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