Woodpeckers are driving me nuts!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Woodinville WA.
Every morning at dawn, hammering on my house.

I saw a note here about hawk discouragement by hanging old CDs.

I hung a nice shiny one under the roof gutter with fishing line last night and had peace this morning!

I hope it lasts
Oh boy, I can really sympathize! Our house has cedar siding- for some reason (!) they LOVE to drive non-existant nails all day! And we have pileateds, the BIG dudes. CD's worked for a while, then they got used to them, Same with pie pans, streamers, etc. They adjust quickly, so just keep changing things out. I hung small bells for a while- they pecked they bells! Grrrrr.................................. red Christmas ornaments might work for the smaller ones- the pileateds smashed them.

Good luck, if worse comes to worse, start feeding them. I hang out homemade suet blocks, and they have begun to go to the regular feeders, too.
I feel your pain with the woodpeckers. We have some that think it's fun to peck on the metal part of the street light in our yard. That is some awful racket!
We put out a lot of suet cakes. The Snowy/Downy cohorts let us know the grease is gone by doing their best to make like Poe's Raven on the house; there are no bugs in the metal gutters-they are just irritated with the service...

For all that, we save `em when they auger into the glass: (Downy and Red Belly - they recovered):



The pileated's around here remain on the periphery, along with the Northern Flickers (our favorite):

If the Pileated's went to work on the house we'd be screaming like Tippi Hedren
I've been lucky, I've only had one tap on my house for a short period of time, He must have been introducing himself as we had just moved into the house. I keep a suet feeder and peanuts out for them and have never had a nother problem. Now squirrels thats another whole issue.
Had the same problem you have. Every morning he would hammer on the siding. I would run and scare him away. Usually about three or four times. He was really damanging the house. After chasing him for a week he finally went away. I hope I never have that happen again.
Well, so far so good.

I believe I was lucky that they seemed to prefer a certain spot. There is a screened attic vent and I think they were trying to peck their way in like it was a hole in a tree. I hung the CD near it and they have not been back. I hope it stays that way. I saw them today out pecking in the trees where they belong..
I feed them suet blocks. (They prefer the home made...

Most people try to rid the area of woodpeckers, we try to attract them. Have never had a problem with them pecking the house. Try giving them something tasty, maybe that will help. If not, ship them to me, I love them.

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