Working Full Time and Baby Chicks - Doable?

The nipple waterers are a great time saver and eliminates the possibility of spillage (with the exception of a few drops that may drip out). You’ll also find they don’t need filling or cleaning as often because they don’t get contaminated by bedding or poop. I’d recommend building the coop and run first with an area for brooding.
I've considered this, and the PVC pipe type of feeder I've seen here.

First the run, then the coop, then the basic necessities, THEN the chicks.
The best deal for me if Tractor Supply is a bust, is Ideal. They only offer SR but ask a decent price for Easter Egger bantam chicks ($5.10 each SR, minimum $40), or about $60 with shipping, AND they are from another "hot" area of the country. I've seen it posted elsewhere that the location of the hatchery is worth considering.
I have used Ideal the last 3 times that I ordered chicks and they have done very well. Their customer service has been excellent. I have not ordered bantams but have gotten their Special egg layer mixes a few times.
I'm not a fan of straight run. I've known people that gotten straight run. If you get straight run, you're not really saving any money. Let's say you end up with 50% roosters, could be more, could be less. I believe you said you couldn't keep roosters. So you'd have to rehome, or cull them. And that's after you fed them, cared for them, and got attached to them for 15+ weeks, till they started crowing. Feed isn't cheep these days. So how much money are you REALLY saving going straight run? I ordered all mine from Meyers. They sex their chicks and claim 90% accuracy. Well I ordered 16 chicks, 15 hens and 1 rooster. And they nailed it 100%. Just something to consider.
I want bantams, but most places only sell them SR. Apparently they are difficult to sex as day-olds, get easily injured.

So I order SR, get some roosters. Or get all hens.

I also could order only female chicks at $12 each, and they could die within a week. I'd be out $$ as well.

There are no guarantees in life, or chicks.
Thanks @alwaystj9! I found and ordered one, it arrived yesterday: EcoGlow Safety 600.

I just plugged it in, and the heat radiating was warmer than my hand, though not a lot warmer...maybe 99°?
I endorse this brooder.

I am on a facebook group called "Pender County Farming Friends", most of whom are near Burgaw NC, which may be not that far away from you? I feel like I've seen people post about trading bantams there. I think it is worth a shot to join the group and ask bantams availability.

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