working hard on run building


Apr 8, 2018
nowhere Iowa
Sothis past weekend was run work. I put posts in the ground to make a 32x10' run. My husband and I made the ceiling out of old cattle panels, so his 6'5" frame can walk in the run. We also put horse fencing around the perimeter. Today I am digging trenches and putting chicken wire around the base, to deter dogs and to stop raccoon paws. Weather permitting this week, I will finish up the run and put chicken wire on cattle panel ceiling and tie it to the horse fencing as well as the it to the outer coop. I think this is going to be fairly predator proof as we have loose dog problems in town (someone even has a blue heeler that roams) and the ceiling is sturdy enough so that my guinea fowl cannot escape. There's a hut made for the ducks and guineas I have. I made a sandbathing area out of tire and a swing for my chickens. These birds are going to be quite spoiled with 320sq ft for 12 birds, 3 Muscovy ducks, 5 guinea fowl, and 4 Rhode island red pullets.


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It looks like welded wire around the perimeter, which is what I used and has worked good. But what is filling the gap between that and the cattle panel roof? If you have a gap there, a coon could climb right up & inside.
It looks like welded wire around the perimeter, which is what I used and has worked good. But what is filling the gap between that and the cattle panel roof? If you have a gap there, a coon could climb right up & inside.
I will be putting some welded wire in the large gap, and then cover the entire roof structure with chicken wire. Not only do I need to worry about racoons getting in, but my guineas getting out as I do not clip my birds. It's quite done yet, but get getting close. All the gaps you see will be covered. It's still a work in progress, but nearly completed.
Run is done! I got the birds outside for their first taste f freedom and the were confused and then elated! Spent all day yesterday wiring chicken wire to the top of the cattle panels. Was actually pretty easy, but tedious.
By 9pm, the ducks had already gone inside but my husband and i had to coax the guineas in. Usually they freak out and fly around when we get near them, but after their first few hours outside, they just huddled in a corner, acting all cute and not wanting to move. We were able to push them by hand into the run. They seriously did not want to go back in. It was so endearing

With the birds able to be outside, I brought my 4 Rhode Island Red pullets out from the basement (where all our birds had been raised), and put them in a large dog kennel to acclimate them to the flock. The guineas and ducks I got last fall so they had pretty much grown up together, albeit separated by a board for a barrier. The ducks would perch above the guinea area, watching them for entertainment. They couldn't get in as we had a screen covering them so they wouldn't fly out. The Rhode Island Red's we got in February as chicks. They are now big enough to handle to guineas, and I think the ducks will be fine with them as they are very docile. The chickens are so docile I can scoop them up with one arm, craddle them, and pet them. The guineas are wilder, they will be close to me, but usually fly/run away if I try to grab them. It's just such a good feeling to watch my babies literally spread their wings.


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