Sothis past weekend was run work. I put posts in the ground to make a 32x10' run. My husband and I made the ceiling out of old cattle panels, so his 6'5" frame can walk in the run. We also put horse fencing around the perimeter. Today I am digging trenches and putting chicken wire around the base, to deter dogs and to stop raccoon paws. Weather permitting this week, I will finish up the run and put chicken wire on cattle panel ceiling and tie it to the horse fencing as well as the it to the outer coop. I think this is going to be fairly predator proof as we have loose dog problems in town (someone even has a blue heeler that roams) and the ceiling is sturdy enough so that my guinea fowl cannot escape. There's a hut made for the ducks and guineas I have. I made a sandbathing area out of tire and a swing for my chickens. These birds are going to be quite spoiled with 320sq ft for 12 birds, 3 Muscovy ducks, 5 guinea fowl, and 4 Rhode island red pullets.