Working On Christmas Gifts Already... Updated 10/14

Cool! Same as what we do for the lemoncello, though we do it in a big glass pitcher. I was thinking you sealed it
I want to be your relative!
those look amazing!!!! I cant do stuff like that to save my soul-Ive always watched what you make and read all about them just awesome!
We have to buy all liquor from a state regulated ABC store. I get the cheap aristrocrat vodka which is about $11 a gallon.
I've been taste testing... and decided they weren't going to get any better. So today I took a couple hours to clean and sterilize the bottles I had put aside for these, and filter out the fruit. (Today I may have to take the rest of the day off as I was taste testing everything before I bottled it... Oops, wasn't thinking!)

Anyways, these came out gorgeous!!! I ended up with 7 bottles to give as gifts, and 2 1/2 pints left over just for us and maybe company on Thanksgiving!


Well, the pears went to mush, and the apples were really hard? The blackberries lost most of their flavor into the vodka, and not much left to the berries. The peaches on the other hand.... DEVINE!
I'm going to use some of this for Thanksgiving now... I'm going to reconstitute some dried fruit in the alcohol and make a fresh bread pudding! Someone gave me the idea... Now I can't wait to try it!!!
I love your bottles they look sooo beautiful!

I did this with tart cherries and then used the cherries in that dreaded fruit cake for Christmas oman what a awesome cake .

I sure wish I was on your Christmas list

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