Worlds smallest egg???


Sep 2, 2021
My baby hen who is very small just laid a egg and it’s tiny and I just looked up the record for the smallest egg and I think this is smaller. I also shined a fleshlight through it and didn’t see a yolk!


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My baby hen who is very small just laid a egg and it’s tiny and I just looked up the record for the smallest egg and I think this is smaller. I also shined a fleshlight through it and didn’t see a yolk!
I had a quail do this before! There was an extremely tiny yolk in it, but otherwise, most fart eggs don't have yolks.
How old is your pullet? Is this her first attempt at egg-laying? What breed is she? Other names for fart eggs include: rooster egg, fairy egg (my favorite), and wind egg. There may be others but that's all that come to mind right now. As your pullet (she'll be a "hen" on her first birthday) gets more mature and her egg-laying equipment settles down, she'll begin to lay more normal-sized eggs. With yolks! 😊
You might have better luck seeing inside with the light from your phone in a dark room. It's very hard to see anything in a brown egg.
Button quail actually have the smallest eggs. But I get what you're saying. She should normalize within a couple of months. It's never a good idea to incubate such abnormally small eggs. My barred rocks laid perfectly round pingpong ball sized eggs for a while. I've even seen eggs that were twice as long and skinny as opposed to regular.
Fairy, fart, wind, rooster eggs are usually from a tiny piece of tissue breaking loose from the reproductive tract, or an immature ova(yolk) and the body forms an egg around it. Color can be darker than 'normal' as the pigment coating released has to cover a much smaller area so is thicker. Can happen with any age layer, but more common with older layers.

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