
I use Wazine because I can't afford Ivomec. Any poultry dust will do, or sevin dust. Permethrin dips work as well. Basically anything you can use for chickens, you can use for pigeons too.
Wormer- hog wormer pellets purchased at local co op
dusting- don't use a dust use hartz flea and tick spray from wal mart. Don't get the home treatment!!! Get the one for dogs. Works great
Ivermeticn injectable...this is a very safe and effective wormer. It's not cheap though but it's margin of safety is better than most wormers.
I have Ivormectin injectable and pour on, and wazine. What are the doses for pigeons and doves? And do you do it once a year? I did my chickens every 6 months...
The dosage would would out to be 1 drop for a dove and 2 drops for a pigeon. 1 drop is .05ml If you keep your birds outside, then you'd probably want to treat them once in the spring before breeding and once again in the fall before winter.

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