Wormout gel?

Ok. So basically I need another 100 ml bottle to get the 10 day later dosage? Just to make certain 47 ml day one and 47 ml day two then repeat in 10 days?

Yes. It is a very expensive way to go. I did it in the past. Do yourself a favor and buy this for round 2.


Amazon has it as well, that is just an example link.

EDIT: You may notice that the powder says "Repeat treatment in 21 days". So with either the gel or powder, you can probably be fine with anything from a 10 to 21 day interval. I would lean towards the 21 day since it allows more time for eggs to hatch (before you then kill them as babies), etc...
Awesome! Do you know the equivalent of powder to gel for chickens? Or 47 ml of gel to ? Powder?

Yep. I had a thread exactly on this a while back. Let me see if I can find my notes. It is just math.

WormOut Gel - Praziquantel 20 mg/ml and Oxfendazole 20 mg/ml. So if you are dosing 47 ml then that equals 940 mg of each drug per gallon.

Stated powder dosage on the packaging is 1 Teaspoon (5 grams) of the powder per gallon of water. That amount has 500 mg of each drug. So might as well just double it for a chicken dose. 2 teaspoons/10 grams of powder per gallon per day. Which you may notice is pretty much exactly what you had to do with the gel dosage when switching from pigeons and other "small" caged birds to chickens. Chickens require the double dose when looking at what the packaging calls a dose.
i purchased wormout gel based on what I read and am reading differing dosage info. I was under the impression it was 2ml to 160 ml water per bird. Is that not the case? I emailed the company and they said it was not permitted in egg layers or meat birds and cannot say anything about dosages. I have 13 hens and bought a 100 ml bottle of wormout gel.

This is quote on a website;
All Aviary Birds - add 1mL to 80mL of water. Supply medicated water for 2 days. Remove other sources of water during treatment. Aviaries should be treated at least four times a year. If giving to Poultry do not eat the eggs or the chicken for 10 days after treatment.

100ml bottle = 8,000ml water or 8L.

I’ve just made up this solution (stir for a few mins ,on and off to mix) and divided the 8 litres up into my individual waterers, I have 5.

Hopefully this works, as the other treatments have not been effective. I’m sad the natural treatments not keeping the worms in check either.
Hi all I’m new to this. I replied on someone’s post with a longer version of below.

100ml bottle in 8L of water. Have to let dissolve over 5-10mins and stirring. I’ve divided this up into my 5 waterers. Repeat in 3 months. Eat eggs after 10th day or 14th if you want. Other treatments advise to abstain consumption for 14 days. This amount of water will be enough for my 50+ flocks, for next 2 days. I scatter the waterers, so they always have access to some water.
I would not let 2 day old chicks drink the water. Is there a way that you could separate the chicks for the 2 days of treatment? Are they with a broody mother? You could keep them in a large dog crate with their broody hen.
Hi, thank you for your response. I have them in that situation, their mom pooped everywhere and there was some blood in her stool. I have them on the medicated chick feed for coccidia, but I figured she may have some other type of worms and that I should try to clear up all worm possibilities. I am new to this, is it normal for some bright red blood to be in her stools, after holding it all in for days?
Blood in the broody’s dropping is not normal at all. That can be a sign of coccidiosis, capillary worms, or other cause of internal bleeding such as liver disease, cancer, or eating something sharp that has cut her. Do you have Wormout gel already, or can you get Valbazen or SafeGard? The Wormout Gel has to be given for 2 days in water, and my chickens did not like the strong orange taste of it, so I don’t know whether they drank enough. With Valbazen you could give the broody 1/2 ml or 0.08 mlper pound once and again in 10 days. SafeGuard liquid goat wormer can be given 1/4 ml per pound for 5 straight days, and both will treat the common and bad worms. Corid is good for coccidiosis. If you have a trusted local vet who would do a fecal float to check for coccidia and worms, that would be best, and safe you some time. Mine will do that as a favor, but some will not without seeing the chicken.

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