Wormout gel?

Thank you guys so much. I do have the Valbazen. I will go ahead and give that to her then. I'm having surgery tomorrow and I am working all day today. Would not be able to get her stool to a Vet until next week, but, I will call mine and see if he will help me out. Thank you both for helping me with this issue. Hen has not been around anything sharp, she is also less than a year old this is her first hatch. Hoping blood is from worms. I am keeping a close eye on her and the babies. They are inside my house, had no more room in the brooders on the porch. lol Poor management on my part. :-/
i purchased wormout gel based on what I read and am reading differing dosage info. I was under the impression it was 2ml to 160 ml water per bird. Is that not the case? I emailed the company and they said it was not permitted in egg layers or meat birds and cannot say anything about dosages. I have 13 hens and bought a 100 ml bottle of wormout gel.
We were going to use it also , for 10 hens...!? Now what? Do each hen one at a time with panacur..... what else. Can we put panacur into the water (?) 🤷🏼‍♀️
We were going to use it also , for 10 hens...!? Now what? Do each hen one at a time with panacur..... what else. Can we put panacur into the water (?) 🤷🏼‍♀️
I have used the Wormout fel with egg layers. Most dewormers call for a 2 week egg withdrawal time after treatment, including Panacur or SafeGuard. It should not be too hard to worm 10 birds. I have wormed 70 before, and I did some breeds or colors one day and wormed the others the next. On the roost at night while using a headlamp with the red light on was my favorite method.

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