Worms and 4 week olds


11 Years
Aug 15, 2012
Just outside Boston
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Folks,
I think I found worms in my 4 wk old chicks poop, what appears to be a worm is about and inch long, black in color and tapered at both ends....can they be wormed at this age? And with what. Thanks in advance.
Hi Folks,
I think I found worms in my 4 wk old chicks poop, what appears to be a worm is about and inch long, black in color and tapered at both ends....can they be wormed at this age? And with what. Thanks in advance.

I have never seen worms in chicks that age. Much would depend on environment and what they have access to. Could you describe the environment? What does their daily diet consist of?
I seriously doubt it's a worm you saw. Large roundworms infect chickens the soonest, but they mature at 30 days under optimal conditions and are normally 4-5 inches long.
Worms when excreted are white or off white in color. Most likely your chick may have excreted dark in color intestinal lining, maybe she ate a piece of string and was excreted.
I'll take a photo in the morning of "the worm" that should help with identifying it...
I have 13 chicks in a 8x2x2 brooder I built.
they are all eating a medicated starter feed by nutrena I change their water 3-4 times a day but they are pooping in it pretty frequently . The brooder has pine chips and is clean, they all are growing like weeds and appear healthy, when I empty their waterer I dump it onto a piece of window screen in the sink to catch the chips so as not to plug the sink...that's when I found what looks like 2 worms. I'll post a pic in the am thanks for your input.

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