Thats a roundworm, And just think, That worm has already layed thousands of eggs each day that is passed through the droppings and embryonated in the litter( eggs are only infective once they have embroynated outside of the host bird)
There the eggs are consumed by other chickens/ picked up by wild birds/animals and by other mechanical means and took to other farms nearby.
wazine 17 will kill round worms, wazine is only effective against roundworms.. I always use a broad spectrum wormer, often times a bird has more than one species present and the harshness of all chemical wormers are about the same. I rotate between these three valbazen(albendazole) safeguard(fenbendazole) and levamisole..And no the worms from the chickens wont infect the puppies..Whats the active ingredient in the puppy wormer?

The active ingrediant in the puppy wormer is piperazine. Do you think this would work?
Yes I have heavy breeds..With the safeguard and valbazen I give 1 eye dropper per pound,some say to dilute with water for better gut coverage, but I've found its just as effective straght by the dropperfull
With levamisole, I use the sheep oblets, 2 per gallon of water, I let them drink this for one day.. first time wormings should be followed up in 10 days to kill the worms that hatched from the egss that were left behind..As far as side effects I've found none with these wormers..With the safeguard(fenbendazole) I would'nt give when birds are/or near molting, It can have an effect on feather growth..the withdrawal on the levamisole is 8 days, The other two, who knows, I would wait at least 2 weeks before eating the eggs..This is my way of doing it..others mileage may vary
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Pine Grove, thanks for the info. Very helpful.

I have found plenty of good information on this topic in Gail Damerow's Chicken Handbook, but I always like to check several sources before administering things like this. Some of these meds are only approved for large livestock, and I don't want to cause unpleasantness in my girls by administering incorrectly.

Thanks again!

Jen in TN
Wouldn't Diotomaceous Earth be safer all around? And it can be given to puppies as well just in case.
I believe my 3 week old girls have cecal worms as well, but I dont know how they would have gotten them since theyve never been outside...I was going to take them out this evening for their first time. The only treatment I was told about for them tho is DE in their food which is IMPOSSIBLE to find around here... I drove around for hours today trying to find some so it looks like ill have to order some online which could take days... any other suggestions? I already do ACV.
I had to purchase DE online as well. I can't find it at the stores. However, my vet told me that it's not that URGENT because they can live fine with the worms. But the vet recommended that I treat them because my dogs are also in the yard. I had to treat my dogs after a few months because they tested positive as well. Any animal can catch it if they are exposed to the outdoors. The only way your chicks must have gotten it is from wherever you purchased them from (or I guess it's possible to get it from the mother)??

Anyway, I would purchase some online and give it to your chicks whenever you get it. They'll be okay. Good luck!

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