

May 3, 2019
So I've been doing research all over the place and there's so many different opinions and symptoms so I wanted to ask
So I have 4 maybe 5 out of 21 birds who have lost a ton of weight, have pale, dry looking combs, and full hard crops. They eat and drink normally. One of them, who I made a post about on here several weeks ago, is doing horribly. She won't stand up now and I'll be surprised if she makes it through the night.
Its been an incredibly wet summer and fall here in.
So my question, is this a form of worms? I haven't seen anything in droppings.
Or could this be something different? I had a vet examine the one and she wasn't entirely sure. She gave me an antifungal but that seemed to make her worse so I stopped giving it to her.
Any help is appreciated
Small edit* the one doing so bad tonight, she tried to stand and stumbled. Wouldn't put any weight on her right leg. I didnt see any sign of bumps on her skin. But the awkward walking is new.
No other signs of Mareks. But wondering if it's worms or coci?
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Your vet should be able to do a fecal float on some fresh combined droppings to help rule out worms or coccidiosis. How old are the hens? Do they lay eggs? Do you provide granite grit for them? In older hens who may experience reproductive problems such as egg yolk peritonitis, salpingitis, or ascites, they may have problems with the digestive organs not functioning due to the pressure. This can cause crop problems.
Your vet should be able to do a fecal float on some fresh combined droppings to help rule out worms or coccidiosis. How old are the hens? Do they lay eggs? Do you provide granite grit for them? In older hens who may experience reproductive problems such as egg yolk peritonitis, salpingitis, or ascites, they may have problems with the digestive organs not functioning due to the pressure. This can cause crop problems.
They are 1-2 years old. They did lay eggs,, but havent in a long time now. They do have access to grit. I havent seen any bloody droppings either. Watery, foamy, off looking. But not bloody
I was planning on calling my vet tomorrow about doing that.
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Here's the really sick girl. She can't/ won't walk. Her legs are completely spastic. She'll eat still but can't even lay down straight on


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I don't think its roundworm because I haven't seen anything in their droppings. I was wondering about threadworms
Just because you don’t see them in the droppings doesn’t mean they are not there. The worms goal is to stay inside the chicken; it can’t survive outside of it. You usually only see the roundworms if there is such an overload in the gut that they start getting pushed out. The only way to know for sure is to have a fecal float test done.
Vet recommended Safeguard until they got results back which would be sometime this upcoming week. Treated all my older girls yesterday morning and by the end of the day they all seemed more energetic, with TONS of watery diarrhea everywhere.
The girl I mentioned above was able to gingerly walk some today. Ive been giving her food and vitamin water. Huge improvement over yesterday morning when she couldn't move her legs at all.
I've noticed on the girls who've lost the weight, their crops stay large. When I've massaged them, I get whiffs of a HORRIBLE smell. Can worms cause crop blockages?

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