Worried...chick pecking other chick!


7 Years
Mar 14, 2013
We bought a day old and a 2 day old silkie chick today. They came from the same breeder and had been togetherI just checked on them in the brooder and the day old was laying on its back cheeping and couldn't get up. I helped her up and the other one pecked it just above its beak, twice. It is now red, is this why it is doing it?

What should I do?? I've only got the one brooder and light so don't want to separate them...
Which came first, the pecking or the not being able to get up? If they realize another one is sick, they will attack it. They will also attack erd wounds.
^^ that

It's instinctual for other chickens to kill (and sometimes eat) other injured chickens. A friend told me about these when I had a pecking problem. Sadly, no longer available. =)

What do you mean "couldn't get up"? A few of my chicks would sometimes "turtle", but were fine after I righted them.
He was turtling! It's odd the one who is being pecked still wants to be near the attacker. Is that normal?

I've separated them in the brooder with fine netting and it is still trying to peck it (even though it can't ).

Is it going to get over trying to hurt it??

I need a pair of those hahaha!
I am really - in my limited experience, lol - a firm believer that chickens need to be in large groups. I was only going to get 3 to start with this Spring, but spoke to someone who has been raising chickens for years. She said I needed to have at least 5 or 6, so they could form little 'groups' and have distractions if fighting broke out. I found it to be true, watching my flock for the first few weeks.

They're kind of like little kids. Two will be playing nicely, then start fighting. The one being picked on needs somewhere else to go. If there aren't any options, it will just keep happening.

Certain varieties of fish are like this, too. I had a zebra danio tank and they just kept dying in pairs or threesomes under perfect conditions. I finally bit the bullet and bought a dozen in a go, and magically they all lived for a year (my son had a hand in their untimely demise).

Anyway...I'd get more chicks if I were you. =)
That's interesting...thanks!

I might try and get a couple more... Silkies are a little tricky to come by around here though. Things have improved I separated them in the one brooder and then today let them be together again and they're fine, very happy actually.

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