Worried...chicks eating layer crumble


7 Years
Mar 14, 2013
So after reading another post I've had alarm bells go off!

I'm a newbie and didnt realise that the different stages of feed related to the contents, I thought it referred to how coarse the crumble was...anyway...I bought layer crumble as I've got some older pullets and roosters and just thought the younger ones- 10 and 12 weeks could eat it too. They've been having it for at least 2 weeks. Probably closer to 3. How much damage have I caused them???
None it's just different protein levels they will just get rid of the grit in their waste just switch them onto growers pellets until they are about 18 weeks
I'm taking the feed away tonight and will buy growers tomorrow. I read the calcium was deadly to their kidneys :(
I bought some had been on layer feed from very young. I noticed leg weekness in one of them. She improved once she had been on the grower for a few weeks and there doesn't seem to be any long term effects that I've noticed.
I wouldn't worry too much It sounds like it was only for a short time. Mine were on it about 8 weeks and only one showed symptoms. You've got them in the right stuff now so the excess calcium shouldn't have enough chance to build up to high levels
I had no chick crumb wen mine hatched they were fed on crushed layers pellets for a week they are now beatiful 8 week olds
I was a newbie five years ago when I got my first three Brahma chicks. I already had two adopted adult hens, and when the babies got big enough to reach the feeders, I quit feeding them their chick crumbles and let them eat what the older girls were eating. They were about ten weeks old.

Now I know that feeding feed with higher calcium content can mess with skeletal development, so I feed grower crumbles to the whole flock until the new pullets begin to lay, with oyster shell on the side for the older girls.

Two of the Brahmas developed organ problems, and one died around three years, and the other one died of liver disease a year ago. The third is alive and healthy at five years with nothing more serious than a little tumor over one eye.

Whether these physical conditions resulted from being exposed to layer feed too early is anyone's guess, but I think not. You shouldn't worry about yours eating it for just a couple weeks.
If you are worried you could always switch to an All Flock feed which is starter/grower/layer and offer oyster shells as free choice. I made the switch because it was easier for me to feed since I have multiple ages.
If you are worried you could always switch to an All Flock feed which is starter/grower/layer and offer oyster shells as free choice. I made the switch because it was easier for me to feed since I have multiple ages.

I use All Flock, everyone seems to be doing fine.

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