Would a 8-9 month DP rooster be good for


9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
smoking? I'm thinking of buying myself a smoker for Christmas. I love smoked turkey & chicken, and thought it might be a good way to fix an older DP rooster, but don't know if this qualifies as slow cooking. I normally roast my birds, but this would be a yummy change and great gifts if they wouldn't turn out to tough.
I have no experience with using a smoker, but seems like it should work on an older bird. How long does the smoking process take? Why not do one and send it to me for a test test?
I'll be objective and honest.
I think it takes about 8-10 hours, so I would think that would work out OK, but was hoping someone had done some already.
If you post this question on the social/recipes forum, I bet you would get a ton of adivce and recommendations. They have some terrific cooks that post on there and there have been some wonderful smopking meats threads. They have convinced me that I need to get a smoker ...
OH, good idea, I never thought of that, I just thought the meat people would be the right ones to ask. Thanks

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