Would it be a bad idea to add one duck to my chicken flock?


May 27, 2015
Someone is asking If I will take their duck, saying they'll just release it in the lake. Its a 3-4 month old pekin. But it would be the only one. I don't know if ducks can be happy as the only duck? I have 6 bantam pullets. 5 silkies and 1 Cochin. Do they eat the same things? I don't even have a pond. What accommodations would I have to make for it?
It would need a small baby pool to take baths - helps keep the pests off.
They can eat the same food - just non medicated. It will probably get lonely being an only duck - but safer then being release after being raised by humans.

Where in texas are you, and do you know if its male or female?
Ducks like living with other ducks. They speak the same language and have the same needs. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the duck and your chickens will get along and they may always need separate housing and run space with a fence between them. If you are not prepared to make separate accommodations for the duck, I would not recommend taking it in. To answer your other questions, they can eat the same feed and they can get by without a pond. Please explain to your friend that releasing a domestic species onto a local pond is not a good idea. Pekins cannot fly to escape predators, it can throw of the ecosystem, the duck may or may not have a good food source, the duck will not migrate or "fly south" for the winter, it's illegal, etc. Perhaps you can help you friend find a new home for the duck on the buy/sell/trade section of BYC, place an ad on the local Craigslist, place an ad on a local FB poultry page, put up a sign at the local feed store, etc. While taking this duck in may not be something you can/should do, you can certainly help your friend to do what's right. Good luck.
If you were going to keep it with your chickens it would need something to swim in that is shallow enough that your chickens couldn't drown in.

Ducks with chickens
It will be lonely, and if a male, it will try to mate with your chickens once it reaches sexual maturity, which is hazardous to the health of chickens.

Ducks need more niacin than chickens so you might have to add a niacin supplement or start feeding your flock something like Purina Flock Raiser.

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