Would raw egg be ok to help gain a healthy weight


Oct 13, 2019
When I asked to see what would be a good food to help my VERY underweight roo put on some weight (the vet’s measurements said that he was only 50-60 ounces in weight, and since he’s gotten better from what was ailing him, I’m working on putting some weight on him), someone said that raw egg yolk would be ok through a syringe since he wouldn’t eat by himself.

Blue, the silkie roo in question, will happily try new things if he finds them tasty, but he gets burnt out on the same food for a while. What I’m asking is if he can have raw egg whites along with the yolk? I’m not concerned with egg eating since he never happens across eggs the girls lay, so my only concern is actual health risks. I know people can catch salmonella if they eat undercooked or raw eggs, but nobody says anything about birds or fowl getting it. I’m fine with cooking a couple eggs or boiling a batch for him, but it can be time consuming sometimes. So, are raw egg whites ok, or should I just get into the habit of cooking them?
If you feed him raw eggs, he might start breaking eggs that he finds open, and he could get sick. I've only fed mine scrambled ones, but only every so often as a treat. Some foods that I've heard help chickens gain weight are soy and whole wheat mixed in with their food, but you said he won't eat by himself, so I don't know if that'll work for him.
Ive never tried is myself, but from what I hear, giving chickens raw eggs will often cause them to start breaking open eggs he finds (as said by @JustAChickenLoverOverHere, p.s. welcome to BYC), which can be a hard habit to break. I hear milk can help a chicken fill out.
Thanks @Chicken-in-the-Kitchen for the welcome! I didn't know about giving chickens milk. Mine don't like trying new things. They don't even like mealworms! :he
Thanks @Chicken-in-the-Kitchen for the welcome! I didn't know about giving chickens milk. Mine don't like trying new things. They don't even like mealworms! :he
Of course! I couldn't ever get my flock anything, but if I left it with them long enough I found they would eventually peck it out of curiosity and realize they like it😂. I have a lot of apple trees around so I decided I would cut up an apple into little bitty pieces for them but they wouldn't go near it. Eventually an apple rolled over to their coop by itself and after a few hours one of my chickens pecked it, squawked and within 30 min the apple was gone, but they left the core and seeds.
Of course! I couldn't ever get my flock anything, but if I left it with them long enough I found they would eventually peck it out of curiosity and realize they like it😂. I have a lot of apple trees around so I decided I would cut up an apple into little bitty pieces for them but they wouldn't go near it. Eventually an apple rolled over to their coop by itself and after a few hours one of my chickens pecked it, squawked and within 30 min the apple was gone, but they left the core and seeds.
Do we have the same chickens? 😂🤣

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