Would this work.....


12 Years
Jun 6, 2007
We have 13 hens and our coop is 8 X 12. I wanted to divide the coop in half temporarily with sometime of chicken mesh or whatever, so that when we hatch our eggs, we can put the chicks in there while we build another coop. This would also allow the chicks to see the older hens and roo and get to know each other without having issues because they won't be in each others side of the coop. We will be using a red bulb heat lamp for the chicks. Do you think this would work temporary??

It sure seems to me that you would be just fine doing that. You will still have plenty of space for your older chickens and it's temporary anyway.

I think it sounds like a good idea for the chicks and chickens to get to know each other. I will caution that chicks can get through pretty small spaces and if one got through to the other side it would almost certainly be killed by the older chickens.
Thanks Chirpy!! Yes, we will have to find some type of material that has small enough holes in it and make sure there are no gaps around where we put the divider in, but it would buy us some time with the coop building if we can do this, and there would be extra warmth for the chicks having the older birds in the coop as well.
Hello, I am a very new first time chicken owner and have a lot of questions. First I have two older pullets already laying eggs and one little baby chick. I have been bringing the little chick in the run with me when I feed the older chickens. They peck at the baby. What is the best way to introduce the baby? Obviously my ultimate goal is to have them all in one run. I just don't want anyone getting hurt. Is there a certain age before I should even consider adding the baby? Oh I have two runs 5' x 20 feet right next to each other if that helps.
Thank you so much! Laura

Skip and I recently divided our main run for the same reason. We basically prebuilt a 1" chicken wire, 12' by 18' wall out in the front yard. We attached 1 by 2's on both ends so we could attach them to pre-existing 2 by 4's inside the run.

The "Wall" ready for installation...


Zip-tying the "Wall" in place...


Skip wondering what I'll come up with next...


We used plastic lattice panels to strengthen the bottom 4' of the chicken wire wall. My 4' door is on the right side. I still have 2 more panels to add, now that I can use my right hand again.


In the baby run, looking towards the coop, before the chicks moved in...


Hope this helps!

Thanks Dawn!! Your so creative!!

Laura, go to the search link at the top of this page, type in introducing chicks to the flock( or similar words), and you will find all kinds of threads on introducing different ages of chickens and peoples different methods!!
Laura - follow mamaboyds advice to get better info but it's best to not introduce chicks to adult birds until they are the same size.

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