Would you do this to save your friend??

Okay! Sounds good!

Hubby is good.. still driving... and of course the union called twice since hes been working.
Now they have work?...

He had to turn them down because he wasnt going to mess up this job...
You'll love ducks! BUt i would suggest to just get like a few of them (like 1 male and 3 girls..or just a few girls ).... so they stay friendly and tame. If you get too many they kinda get this herd mentality and get skittish...

He he... and i'll have Sebastopol geese eggs next spring.... you need a couple of those too....

Runners..I want some runners!! I dont care about the males......it's about the eggs and watching them waddle around. I have a NICE spot that I can put a small pond in....prob only 25-30' across. How much do they need? I have a well, so water exchange is not a problem.

Oh yeah - Pigs. Can you teach me about pigs too? I have an existing pen about 40' in diameter. I just need to install chain link fence down 1 foot and around it (which I have) so they cant get out.
I guess I never answered this but yes, I'd jump in to help. Although to me it's not a big deal because I'm not afraid of sharks. It'd be like jumping in to help someone being attacked by a big chihuahua.
Chihuahuas are more deadly than sharks...

I once heard Chihuahuas described as "Hand held Attack weapons"

On another note...something else that would stop me from jumping in is the depth of the water. Shallow is ok, specially if I could stand up. Deep water *shudder* I worked on a boat once and especially at night when I went to the rail for a smoke I would get creeped out looking at all that dark deep water
In the daytime it's almost like vertigo. *runs inside and slams the door*
I watch shark week every year so I'll be prepared
. I'd jump in to save a friend, but in deep water, I would probably panic after I jumped in. The shark is not what scares me, it is the depth and how far the shark could drag me.

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