Would your chicken drink from this??


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Quitman, Texas
Do any of you have a water fountain or pond where your girls drink from it? Something that has a pump that keeps the water moving recirculating? How does it work, do they like it?? Pros and cons. Here is just an example...
What if there was a filter on the pump that filtered the water as it circulates? I'm trying to figure out how this can be done because I love things like this. I could even fix it to where I could plant water plants in this. Do you think the filter would help clean the water or even with a lower pond with filtering fish??
What if there was a filter on the pump that filtered the water as it circulates? I'm trying to figure out how this can be done because I love things like this. I could even fix it to where I could plant water plants in this. Do you think the filter would help clean the water or even with a lower pond with filtering fish??
I understand your reasoning, but one thing you need to consider is that the fish waste, plus the droppings from the chickens, would equal a horribly unbalanced system. That water would be so gross and nasty in such a short time that there wouldn't be enough natural or mechanical filtration to keep it clean. You'd spend more time trying to clean your filter than it would take you to just give them fresh water daily.

We finally took out our fountain and little pond for just those reasons, and the only bird droppings we had was from the visitors to our yard - finches, robins, and the occasional owl. The water smelled like a sewer, was slimy, and we had two filters going at all times. Chicken droppings are high in nitrogen, and it doesn't take much of that to kill a pond or fountain. Even with plants in it, the algae will take over quickly because there would be no way to balance the pond or fountain's natural chemistry. It's a lovely idea, but I just don't see it working. I'm so sorry to be the one to toss water on your idea, because it's really a good idea.
I understand your reasoning, but one thing you need to consider is that the fish waste, plus the droppings from the chickens, would equal a horribly unbalanced system.  That water would be so gross and nasty in such a short time that there wouldn't be enough natural or mechanical filtration to keep it clean.  You'd spend more time trying to clean your filter than it would take you to just give them fresh water daily.

We finally took out our fountain and little pond for just those reasons, and the only bird droppings we had was from the visitors to our yard - finches, robins, and the occasional owl.  The water smelled like a sewer, was slimy, and we had two filters going at all times. Chicken droppings are high in nitrogen, and it doesn't take much of that to kill a pond or fountain.  Even with plants in it, the algae will take over quickly because there would be no way to balance the pond or fountain's  natural chemistry.  It's a lovely idea, but I just don't see it working.  I'm so sorry to be the one to toss water on your idea, because it's really a good idea.

Blooie, Thank You! that's what I was looking for someone who had done this before and help me work this in my mind with past experience. Lol I already have a regular water system for them but was thinking about adding this to kill to birds with one stone...
well maybe that's not the best phrase to use. But you get what I'm saying. Lol
Anyway thank you!! I love the sound of water but don't want to add extra work or something harmful to my girls!!
Blooie, Thank You! that's what I was looking for someone who had done this before and help me work this in my mind with past experience. Lol I already have a regular water system for them but was thinking about adding this to kill to birds with one stone...
well maybe that's not the best phrase to use. But you get what I'm saying. Lol
Anyway thank you!! I love the sound of water but don't want to add extra work or something harmful to my girls!!
Glad I could help...just sorry I wasn't able to give you the answer you really wanted.

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