Wound healing question *graphic pic*


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 8, 2010
Fredericksburg VA.

I have a Rooster that got fly strike underneath his belly. The maggots ate a hole in him that exposed the bottom of his breast bone eating about two inches of skin off it. This happened about two weeks ago. I was able to get all the maggots off, cleaned the wound and dressed it.

now after two weeks of changing the bandages every 4 days the area has healed pretty nicely. he has new pink skin on his abdomen and now all that's left is the two inch tip of his breast bone. That area has a brown layer of what looks like a scab over it (Ive been keeping Neosporin on it under a non stick dressing) you can see the edges of the skin around the "base" of the bone..sort of looks like the skin is closing in around it.

my question is has anyone else had experience with this and will the skin eventually heal over and close the bone back in?

***** The picture is obviously "before" treatment. the breast bone is there at the bottom..(I took the picture with him on his back in my lap, his head near my stomach.) The holes have filled in with tissue**
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That kind of wound takes a long time to heal because it has to form scar tissue from the edges inward -- but yes, with continued care, it should. Sounds like you have provided that!
Thank you!

I've never seen or delt with anything like this so I wasn't sure what to expect as far as that bone was concerned..... especially since the skin got ate off and there was very little tissue on it (as you could see)

Now, like I tried to describe, the bone looks as if it's protruding from the skin..so yep..didn't know if skin would eventually grow over it or not.

but what you said is very encouraging. Yay!

again, Thank you!

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