Wow, this sure is scary...

Hope0491 wrote:
I am going to homeschool all my children! I want to be a stay-at-home Mom and raise my kids..

Kudos to YOU! Dr. Laura Slessinger will be proud to hear that, too!
Its all very scary and sad that people feel they need to hurt others.
Thats my school we had one kid suspended for at a party he talked about how he was going to come to school and kill anyone that got in his way. we also the year before had a bomb threat that luckely was false. and as well we have had other threats like a father that was not allowed my the court to come near his child tryed to kidnap his kid from school and we went into code red. And the sad thing of it all is that are school and most to all other schools do not have a really good set-up for if a real emergency happens like are bomb threat they have us all go up to the foot ball feild HELLO yeah get the hole population of student in one location that give us really good odds especially since every one knows thats where we go if theres a problem even people not even asociated with the school know that.
Did ya'll hear about that girl that was the president of the student body for UNC Chapel Hill Tarheels? Eve Carson was her name. She was shot and killed walking down "a quiet residential street", according to the news, yesterday. She was a beautiful girl, a brilliant person that would have contributed greatly to this world snuffed out by someone that can't solve their own problems without spewing their anger over onto someone innocent, crazy world we live in, guns in school, little kids making bombs, pregnant women taking drugs...yes, it is scary
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Kudos to YOU! Dr. Laura Slessinger will be proud to hear that, too!

Aw, Thank you!!

haha.. I listen to her ALL THE TIME!! She's my fav!!!

I think too many kids get bad reputations just for the way they look. If something happens at our school, Im the first one they question. If I get into a fight, It's immediately my fault. No questions asked. The counselors, teachers, and principals are so stupid these days (no offense if you are one, if your on this site, you obviously awesome). I have a bird named Oxi and I can't even say his name for fear someone will freak out. Someone at my school made me empty and put up a BACKPACK thinking I had drugs or something with me. yeah, right. It's the kids' fault. Sure....
That is a sad reality of our world Stormhorse, that people make so many judgements about another person based solely on their appearance. I am so sorry that you have to endure that. I hope it doesnt break your spirit
I understand where everybody is coming from.....and unfortunately, it is the way of the world.

Change is not always a good thing!!!

Stormhorse, it is a shame that you are automaticall judged by your appearance, however, appearances and first impressions go along way.

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