wrong end pip -HELP !!!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
I just had a chick pip at the wrong end. When he did i noticed a little bit of blood. I read a lot on here that they often die like this unless you can help them to air. So with that being said....I got him out wrapped the egg in warm wet paper towels. broke the shell a little bit around the pip and opened the membrane opening up a little bit...very easily and as less as possible and than quickly got him back in the bator. He is chirping and sticking his beak out but also seems to be gasping and getting weak. Should I just leave him now? Or help him further????????
As brutal as it is, what I have heard is that if a chick is not able to overcome that first hurdle of getting out of the egg unassisted, it will not have a strong healthy chick and will be weak and sickly and die later. Also have heard that hatching problems can be hereditary.

Sorry about your chick.
I had this happen during my last hatch. I helped just as you did. Chicks can hatch like this on their own, but they often have trouble. I waited several hours, then decided to step in. I chipped away at the shell a tiny piece at a time, stopping when I saw blood, and returning the chick to the bator for a break. Eventually I did have to help her all the way out. My chick turned out to be totally fine, no problems whatsoever. She is now 4 weeks old! Good luck
It hatched and is big, strong, and healthy barred rock chick. I helped it out a little more and it came right out :)
It hatched and is big, strong, and healthy barred rock chick. I helped it out a little more and it came right out
Glad to hear your chick made it. I was looking at an internet video of a chick hatching today---and although it is hard to tell..It looks like it was a wrong end pip too..... Congratulations on the new baby.

Then again, maybe it is the camera angel. ;o)

Great news ! I know some say Never Ever etc.. but when your gut tells you its in trouble .. I do assist just very slowly a little at a time trying to make the chick do as much work as possible and rest a lot .. like they do unassisted .. Usually though even if they pip on the wrong end once they break through then they Are Getting air, and occasionally you will see a tiny bit of blood . For me If they have pipped I wait a very long time sometimes up to 24 hours often they are still absorbing the needed yolk . But after a long time -or if I see membrane is drying I lend a gentle hand ! Glad you had a Happy Ending !!!
I had to help 4 out on my last hatch. 1 of them may have made it on their own, but the other 3 would have perished had I not stepped in and helped. So I feel if I think it's likely the chick will die then what do you really have to lose. There's plenty of us egg meddling fools out here!

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