Wry neck/blood in poop


Apr 17, 2024
I had to treat my chicks this year with Corid twice, within a couple weeks. All seemed fine after the second round. A few days ago, one of my older hens found her way into the baby chick pen and terrorized the now 6-7 week old babies. The next day, I realized my silkie had wry neck. I have no way of telling if she has it from a peck on the brain or vitamin deficiency. I have been giving her Vitamin E and vitamin B complex. I switched back to unmedicated chick feed and have been making her a mash of feed and hard boiled egg yolk. She was really rough yesterday, not peeping and occasionally mouth breathing until she coughed up a huge snot ball. She has perked up today and is eating and drinking with help, and able to stand on her own occasionally.

The problem is, today when I cleaned her pen there was one slightly bloody poop. It wasn’t much, just enough to notice as I touched it with the paper towel. Could this be from the extra vitamins/egg in her diet? She has never had any treats or food besides chick starter before this. Do I treat with Corid again and risk making her wry neck worse?? Wait and see? Help!
Do you have a photo of the poop?
It may have been intestinal lining, hard to know.

I'd monitor the poop and see if there's any more like what you found. Also check her vent for any injuries just in case the hen happened to pluck and damage it.

How unfortunate that she ended up with Wry Neck, it's good that the vitamins are helping. Silkies seem to be more prone to neurological symptoms, hope she comes around o.k.

IF you determine it's Coccidiosis and have already given 2 rounds of Corid, I would treat with a Sulfa Antibiotic or Toltrazuril (Endocox) instead of Corid.

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