Wry neck, cull or not?

Thank you rebrascora, i always give a chance but not to be silly. This one was just a tough one to call as I've never dealt with mereks or wry neck before.

Thank you so much for all the information, I'll just have to keep An extra eye on them all then. And read up more about mereks.

Unfortunately I don't have the money to send her off for a necropsy and even if I did I buried her soon after dispatching without thinking and stuck an apple tree on her. She'd be pretty squished now I think.

A thought about the OP... I'm not sure how giving sunflower seeds rules out vitamin deficit... I would think what else you feed would heavily impact that... maybe I missed the q & A? Were they standard seeds or BOSS? What else was fed on a regular basis including treats and supplements? Any bullying issues?

Thanks for messaging and I'm sorry to hear about your silkie aswell, it just sucks. Regarding to the sunflower seeds my naivety showing through there lol just from what I read sunflower seeds have good selenium and vitamin E I just assume feeding such would help keep thoughs vitamins up and suggest another cause for the problem. On a regular basis they get layers pellets, wheat and sunflower seeds as treats they get apples bananas kale and yogurt once a week and scrambled egg once a week.

The rooster is quite rough with them which is why In my original post I thought head trauma. As I read that being struck on the sweet spot of there vaulted skulls can trigger wry neck off.

But now that I'm aware that mareks is an issue to be concerned about, I'll be reading into that.

Trouble is I only started keeping chickens since a year and a bit ago so still have much to learn :barnie though the silkies Ive had since May, got them blindly as a birthday present for there broodiness.

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