Wry Neck Prognosis


Apr 17, 2023
Pacific Northwest
I have a 10 day old chick with wry neck that I have been treating for 5 days. Ive read the articles about the condition, and have been giving vitamin E, selenium, sunflowere seeds in the food, poly vi sol without iron, egg white, and electrolytes in the water. She is able to eat and drink on her own, but I haven’t seen any improvement yet. I know it takes awhile, but I am a little worried about overdosing her on Vitamin E I’ve been giving her two full capsules a day. Can anyone share their experiences with this. Are there cases where they don’t get better? Can I harm her with too much Vitamin E?
Thanks in advance.
I have a 10 day old chick with wry neck that I have been treating for 5 days. Ive read the articles about the condition, and have been giving vitamin E, selenium, sunflowere seeds in the food, poly vi sol without iron, egg white, and electrolytes in the water. She is able to eat and drink on her own, but I haven’t seen any improvement yet. I know it takes awhile, but I am a little worried about overdosing her on Vitamin E I’ve been giving her two full capsules a day. Can anyone share their experiences with this. Are there cases where they don’t get better? Can I harm her with too much Vitamin E?
Thanks in advance.
two capsules is what i give mine and they 9/10 get better. The only time they havent gotten better was when one got Mereks due to her immune system conking out.
It seems like you're doing the right things. Good luck!
I have a 10 day old chick with wry neck that I have been treating for 5 days. Ive read the articles about the condition, and have been giving vitamin E, selenium, sunflowere seeds in the food, poly vi sol without iron, egg white, and electrolytes in the water. She is able to eat and drink on her own, but I haven’t seen any improvement yet. I know it takes awhile, but I am a little worried about overdosing her on Vitamin E I’ve been giving her two full capsules a day. Can anyone share their experiences with this. Are there cases where they don’t get better? Can I harm her with too much Vitamin E?
Thanks in advance.
I have a 4 day old duckling who hatched with wry neck. I started treating her right away with Nutra Drench, electrolytes, scrambled eggs and watered down feed. I have to give her water with a dropper but she’s able to pick up bits of egg and pellets.
I didn’t want to have to put a brace on her, but she’s not improving. I even massage her neck gently and give her lot of TLC. Her 2 siblings allow her to rest her head on them and stay with her. She is very strong and full of live so I refuse to cull her, but we are going to make a brace now. We tried on day 1 and it completely threw her off balance so we took it off, but as I said, there is no change.
How’s your little one doing? Any better?
Please let me know. 💕



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I have a 4 day old duckling who hatched with wry neck. I started treating her right away with Nutra Drench, electrolytes, scrambled eggs and watered down feed. I have to give her water with a dropper but she’s able to pick up bits of egg and pellets.
I didn’t want to have to put a brace on her, but she’s not improving. I even massage her neck gently and give her lot of TLC. Her 2 siblings allow her to rest her head on them and stay with her. She is very strong and full of live so I refuse to cull her, but we are going to make a brace now. We tried on day 1 and it completely threw her off balance so we took it off, but as I said, there is no change.
How’s your little one doing? Any better?
Please let me know. 💕

Poor Baby. I wish I could tell you there was improvement, but its not the case. I have done all the things one does for wry neck. I asked about this elsewhere, and there were a couple responses there saying that this can be due to injury rather than vitamin deficiency - and in this case it will not improve. So, I suspect this is the case for my little one. There was one person who experienced this and their bird did reach adulthood and does lay, so its not a death sentence. I am letting it play out. She looks awkward, but can eat, drink, and perch. I hope your little one improves.
Poor Baby. I wish I could tell you there was improvement, but its not the case. I have done all the things one does for wry neck. I asked about this elsewhere, and there were a couple responses there saying that this can be due to injury rather than vitamin deficiency - and in this case it will not improve. So, I suspect this is the case for my little one. There was one person who experienced this and their bird did reach adulthood and does lay, so its not a death sentence. I am letting it play out. She looks awkward, but can eat, drink, and perch. I hope your little one improves.
I’ve read the same thing about injury, but mine was born when wry neck.
I took off her brace last night and she’s so much happier!
She is eating, drinking and walking on her own instead of just laying in the corner on her blanket.
Are you giving vitamin E? If so you need to give selenium too, as vitamin E can’t be absorbed without it.
Give niacin too, as wry neck can be caused by a niacin deficiency.
Give scrambled eggs and Nutra Drench with electrolytes in her water as well.
How old is your little one?
I think mine my be doing a bit better this morning. 🤞 Fingers crossed!
Can you attach a picture??

I’ve read the same thing about injury, but mine was born when wry neck.
I took off her brace last night and she’s so much happier!
She is eating, drinking and walking on her own instead of just laying in the corner on her blanket.
Are you giving vitamin E? If so you need to give selenium too, as vitamin E can’t be absorbed without it.
Give niacin too, as wry neck can be caused by a niacin deficiency.
Give scrambled eggs and Nutra Drench with electrolytes in her water as well.
How old is your little one?
I think mine my be doing a bit better this morning. 🤞 Fingers crossed!
Can you attach a picture??

two capsules is what i give mine and they 9/10 get better. The only time they havent gotten better was when one got Mereks due to her immune system conking out.
It seems like you're doing the right things. Good luck!
My pullet with wry neck caused by Marek's did recover from wry neck after vitamin treatments. It just took her months. Unfortunately, she still died from cancer half year later.
This is mine. She’s been on all the vitamins you mentioned for three weeks now. Not seeing much improvement. Good luck with the duckling. Hope she/he makes a full recover!
Sometimes, it just takes long time to fix the issue. For my two chickens, both needed more than two months. But you should see some improvement. If there's no improvement at all in 3 weeks, it's most likely caused by something else. If it's injury, she may recover herself.

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