Wry neck?

Molasses is a laxative in chickens. I would stick with vitamins and make sure she is eating and drinking. While I watched your video, I found several other videos posted there on wry neck which showed how people fed and cared for their chickens with wry neck. It can be a very frustrating symptom, not knowing if it will get better, or if it is a symptom of Mareks.
i have a chick with wry neck and i have baby vitamins but they have iron and fluoride is it ok to still give it to him since i wont be able to get to town till next week??? i have electrolyte packets for its water and aw its good to give it yoghurt and scrambled eggs but it also needs vitamin e and b. so can i give the baby vitamins even tho there is iron and if not why?? what does the iron do to them???
Okay. Do this cause last year I had a chick with wry neck too, if this is what it is anyways

Separate the chick
Put towel In with it to lay on comfortably
Feed him
Give him water
A little molasses
Vitamin E
Electrolytes in the water also
Duramycin - an antibiotic

My little chick with this lived, he's now a big healthy roo.

I really hope this works..

And I watched the video you took, and if it makes you feel better, my chicken was only a couple weeks old, and he was way worse. His head was not even able to go up at all, and it was in a 360 circle.
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Okay. Do this cause last year I had a chick with wry neck too, if this is what it is anyways

Separate the chick
Put towel In with it to lay on comfortably
Feed him
Give him water
A little molasses
Vitamin E
Electrolytes in the water also
Duramycin - an antibiotic

My little chick with this lived, he's now a big healthy roo.

I really hope this works..

And I watched the video you took, and if it makes you feel better, my chicken was only a couple weeks old, and he was way worse. His head was not even able to go up at all, and it was in a 360 circle.

I have a 2 week old with a pretty bad case. 2 of 4 developed it, one has recovered about 95%. She is still separated from the flock because every once in a while, she'll show symptoms when something gets her excited or startled. This other one is proving tricky. Mainly because she is too squirmy for me to accurately give her the doses. I have no clue if she's getting any of it. She showed some slight improvement once my husband was able to help me give her the meds. I have been doing everything on your list, except the molasses and the Duramycin. She's pretty much as you described yours. How long did it take for him to respond to treatment? We are on day 4, and it is even starting to affect her crop. Pretty much, the only thing that keeps her calm, is to let her sleep on my bed with the electric blanket or sleep on my chest or under my chin at night. I would love to hear how everything worked out in his favor!
This took maybe a month, but it was worth it for our beautiful roo!

Thanks! Dorothy is so sweet. I think she's worth it too. Now if only I can get her comfy enough to not have such separation anxiety. If I leave her side for a second, she freaks and it triggers the muscle contractions. And her chirping is heartbreaking.
If you lay her on her side against a towel, that may work. Our chick would chirp only a bit until comfortable again.
If you lay her on her side against a towel, that may work. Our chick would chirp only a bit until comfortable again.

Yes. Towels do seem to be a big help. I had a little makeshift set up for her on the bed with pregnancy pillows to keep her confined so she didn't roll off. The warmth from the electric blanket & the towels to prop her on made her very comfortable.
I found that using a heating pad as a roof of a house works very well. The chicks can either climb under or up on top to monitor their warmth. Sadly I have killed chicks with too much heat. It is tricky.
Im treating a hen with wry neck currently. I just determined that is what she was suffering from after about a week of watching her limited movement. Im hoping the turmeric and vitamins help. I started her on duramycin when I did not realize it was probably wry neck. I may continue the antibiotics though they wont be helpful if it is a virus causing her problem.

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