WTB: any eggs i can get ! i got a bator :D


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
i got a bator and im dieing to put stuff in it!! i love odd combinations (mutts) because they are beautiful and unique.. so tell me what you got ! (btw the incubator is a brand new hovabator with auto turner and everything) please support my addiction
if you gonna charge please put price
- shmoo -thankies !!!!
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I have some RIR/EE eggs. Some of the eggs from the RIRs are brown and some are pink...they're crossed w/ my EE roo who throws the blue gene, so you could get all kinds of egg color combos in the offspring! Here's the daddy:


I can send you 12+ for $20 shipped if you want them.
oh i love EE mixes. i have a EE mix with a light brahma and its beautiful
a bit dull in the head but has amazing lacing ! KEEP THE OFFERS COMING!!!
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I've got mutts (I hate that word LOL) - rooster is a barred rock, and the hens are barred rocks (so those would be pure BR), RIR, red stars, black stars, and araucana. I also have pure buff orps, jumbo coturnix quail, and button quail.
oh i love all the possibilitys
ima try to shoot for chickens ( large fowl or bantam ) so any of those work
the cheeper the better..
that sounds bad.. lol
I have some RIR, SLW, and white rock mixes/pures. There are roos and hens of all 3 breeds in the same pen, and a few light brahma hens in there too. I also have a standard black cochin hen that lays an egg every day, and a standard white cochin hen that lays daily as well. It's hard to say what they would be mixed with. They free range, and the free range roos they hang with are red pyle OEGB and a red jungle fowl!! Plus there is a ameracauna bantam hen laying daily, and she hangs out with the red pyle boys. Her chicks have all been red pyle looking, with puffy cheeks! I could do 8 for $9 or 15 for $15. That's as many as I feel comfortable with putting in the boxes!
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ohhhh shelley! those sound pretty
could i do a combo of a few bantam and a few LG ? can i do like.. 10 ? or so? that would be great
woohoo im so exited : wveryone feel free to post picutes btw if you like
i love to look at the pretty birds
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I have RIR mixed with either a welsummer or Houdan, Sumatra and my black EE's mixed with the same roosters. Also pure welsummers.

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