WTB- Any kind of Eggs!!!


11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Bolton, NC
I've revamped my homemade incubator and am wanting to test it! We don't have a ton of money, but I am definitely willing to pay up to 20 for shipping and eggs. All I need is a few eggs to test and see if the old cabinet thing-monster still works! (we don't have a rooster seeing that we're not supposed to have chickens at all!) Let me know! I have paypal, so I can pay you right away!. Thanks!
I will help you out I have these I can do
Frizzle Cochins
Easter Eggers
Barred Rocks
Oliver Eggers
Can do 12 of them. I will be next week before I can get them out.
you can make your dozen anyway you want it.
That would be great! I'll take whatever you happen to have, I'm not picky! my incubator can hold between 20-25, and I think I might have a few coming from someone else, so that should work out awesome. Just let me know!!!
Thank you to everyone who responded, I definitely have enough to test now!!!! You guys(and gals) are Be-Awesome!!!!!!!! (beyond awesome, I watched Bolt waaaaaay too many times!)
I am getting quiet a few eggs, the eggs will probably all be mixed but I have gotten quiet a few adorable and interesting colors!
Pm me if you're interested!

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