WTB True Ameraucana Chicks or eggs and Bantam Cochin TN/KY/AL chicks


There you go.
I am a LONG ways away from that 500 don't worry. But if you do the math..I have 84 in the incubator now and about 150 running around IF I kept them all other than being broke and put in another few bators full it wouldn't take long to get that many.I'm balancing the eggs I need to improve my flock for us and selling enough chicks and eggs to pay for all of my chickens and horses feed because I don't want to wake up one day and count 500 chickens

I actually have my flocks just about where I want them numbers wise..now comes the improving on what is there.Other than my bantam's which is new here but that pasture will remain small..in size and numbers!
I would love a few blue Cochins..we have a black little girl right now.
I have a couple of Black Ameraucana Bantam Roo's.. I got eggs from AmeraucanaMom on this site and incubated them. I live in Louisville, Ky. Just PM me if you'd like them.. Thanks, Beth
Thanks but I'm looking for large Ameraucana's.If I get too many bantams my wonderful husband won't be very happy-he's having to build my new chicken barn and runs

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