WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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I am a 1st time chicken buyer! I didn't have any bad experience at TSC buying chicks, however they were gated off so nobody could touch them which I think is best for the safety of the birds! I think next time I buy I will go to a place with a better selection though. Hope this chicken thing goes well!
I don't think it's a State law either... especially since the address I gave them was in a different State altogether!

I don't think it's a State law either... especially since the address I gave them was in a different State altogether!


If it were state law they would have yo check I.d and make sure u are telling the truth!
I don't have any TSC's in my area, but if I did, this thread would make me think about buying from them. They sound like a respectable institution that is doing their best to protect the animals they are selling. I know it seems like a personal insult that they won't let you handle the birds, but quite frankly they don't know you, and they don't know what diseases you might be introducing to the birds. It's not like they can just tell by looking at you that you arn't going to mishandle the birds, or that you arn't carrying avian flu.

If i were the owner of that chain of stores, I'd have the policy instituted that the employees sanitize their hands as well before handling the chicks. They're so delicate at that age, I can't believe anyone would begrudge the store looking after their safety. To be honest, people shouldn't be handling the animals unless they want to buy them anyway.

As for the notebook, you probably ran into a store employee who had no idea why management was asking her to do it, and was so sick of being yelled at for someone elses' policy, that she just made up the law part to make people stop insulting her attempts to do her job. I've been there before, and people are MEAN to low paid employees. I always took the easy road too. To be honest, you probably were just looking at their purchase log so that when you went back for a refund of any kind, they could check to make sure they weren't being hoodwinked.

Just a thought. Most store decisions are made to protect stock, not to insult you.
I bought my chicks at a TSC here in NY. They have the "minimum of 6" rule but since there were only 5 left that I'd wanted, the lady working there let me just buy the 5. I didn't have to give them any personal info, but they did have their bins gated off and wouldn't let me hold one (even though I'm an adult!) but I guess it's really just for the chicks' safety.
Our TSC not only does not prevent customers from handling the birds, but they also unfortunately don't monitor them worth a hoot. I went in one day and was horrified to see a child tightly gripping a squalling chick and pressing its feet to the hot metal rim of the brooder lamp. I was horrified and immediately blurted out "Honey, you can't DO that, you're HURTING her!" and asked him to put her down. I let her cool her feet in the waterer and confirmed that she was walking and didn't seem to have damage. Then I looked for what parent and/or employee I had to throttle over this. Turns out they were one in the same: an EMPLOYEE'S child. So, bad child monitoring and bad store monitoring. Ridiculous all around.

I really think they should pen the bunnies and chicks off and only allow adults or children supervised by adults in there. Many pet stores won't let you hand pick your animals yourself due to liability issues and the possibility of disease spread, so even though it is irksome it IS for the good of the birds. I'd rather they be overcautious than have every tom, dick, and harry - and their bratty ill mannered children - touch a bunch of stressed out, freshly shipped baby birds.
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At the Sweetwater, TX TSC I had to fill out the name and address sheet for my 3 Buff Orps (?), and 3 white "?", then one hour later at the Abilene, TX TSC, I picked up 6 Doms, and they didn't ask for anything except my credit card. Neither store had a gate up around the chicks -- this was on March 29th -- but I noticed last week the Abilene store had a gate up. I can understand why.

As far as the experience, the Sweetwater TSC had a very knowledgeable lady help us out. She saw the twins and I looking at the chicks, came right over, and talked us through the entire deal. She let my kids pick out what they wanted by hand, and told them how to handle the peeps. Of course my kids are 12-years old, so I'm sure that made a difference. At the Abilene store we had to track down someone to help us, and they weren't that busy. We were the only ones there looking at the chicks. They had some straight run bantams, and pullet Doms that day, and I give the girl credit for knowing that. Not indifferent, but not like the Sweetwater experience. I don't have anything to complain about either store, but I did notice a difference.

I really think this signing your name thing is kinda shady. In hindsight, I've noticed that they now ask for your phone number instead of you zip when you check out - even it its just for dog food or feed. My husband was the mayor of Bulverde (the TSC in question, I'm sure) and is still an attorney in the area. I will ask him to get to the bottom of this and see if it really is a new Texas law. My thought is, it's a new mailing list or something of the like... If so, it's not right for them to get our personal info under false pretenses. Will keep you all posted.
Hey, I live right on the border of Bulverde!! Small world! Are you talking about the TSC on 46? I have 34 eggs in my bator but we went about a week or 2 ago to see the babies when they arrived ( I have a sp. needs son whos obsessed lol), we only bought cheese balls, and they asked for my phone #??? Thought it was odd, but I gave them my cell #.
Yes, the TSC on hwy 46! I will get Ray on it ASAP! I certainly dont think it's right for anyone to ask for your personal info when you buying something as obscure as, cheese balls, dog treats, cracked corn, chicken feed, dog food, etc... Feel free to email me if you have any questions. We WILL get to the bottom of this!
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