WTT BO hatching eggs for Quail hatching eggs


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
C, Arkansas
I would like to trade some of my Buff Orpington hatching eggs for some Quail hatching eggs.
I'm located in Central Arkansas.
What kind of quail are you looking for? I've got coturnix, and buttons. I'd be able to swap on the coturnix after the 10th if you're interested.

ETA: The buttons would be available whenever they decide to start laying again
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I would be more interested in the coturnix. After the 10th would be fine. I would like to get 1 to 2 dozen, how many would you like?

I got mine from Mrs AKA Bird Brain....Wonderfully large when they were grown and beautiful hatching... She has a posting in this section...I'll try to find it for you.

You will not be disappointed!
Yellowchick - I am in Malvern. If you are interested - I have some adults coturnix and a few eggs not many - I have cut back on my quail.

I also have bobwhite quail chicks.

PS - I have gotten eggs from ShelleyD and they all did great.

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