Wyandotte chicks at about 6 weeks - all Pullets?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Palmerston North, New Zealand
My Wyandotte chicks are almost identical with tail feathers etc, one appears darker with less gold lacing but I think these are all girls - any ideas please?
They share their coop with three ducklings who were left in our near-empty pond by their Mum who hasn't been seen since :(

It's a bit early to be absolutely certain, but the chicks with a darker gold on the shoulders look like they might be boys. In the nest couple of weeks, cockerels will start to get red, fleshy combs. Male specific feathering starts to become apparent sometime after about 12 weeks old.
They are not a breed that can be feather sexed accurately. In order to feather sex accurately, a slow feathering line and a fast feathering line must be strictly maintained. Hatcheries rarely bother with maintaining lines for that kind of sexing. Color sexlinks are much easier to produce.

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